Tuesday, August 13, 2013

TravelTalk - Krakow - Final thoughts

Aloha everyone!
Although this is entitled my "Final Thoughts" more blogs will follow regarding Krakow, simply because the internet connection here is quite slow at this hostel and I will not be able to upload all of my videos and therefore the corresponding blogs.
I really like Krakow, its a cool, smaller size city (by American standards) so everything is walkabout, though you probably want to take advantage of all the public transportation that the city has to offer (trains, trams, buses).  This city is really safe - I would give this city a safety rating of 9 out of 10.  You probably have a higher chance of something happening in your hostel!
Krakow is also a surprisingly affordable city - and here I am writing this blog during the summer time.  Accommodation, food, alcohol are all affordable (if you're use to American and Euro prices).  For example, you can have a meal at a restaurant and spend less than 6 Euros.  There is also fast food which is also more inexpensive and also a higher end segment, for those who want to experience 5 star service (though service is really good wherever you go).
One of the major pluses for this city and probably all of Poland is that nearly everyone speaks English.   I've had no problems asking for directions, sending mail, requesting information, ordering food, etc., this city is English friendly.  If you Spanish, French or other language, brushing up on English or Polish phrases is required. 
I can't wait to come back to this city, though I am not sure I would stay for a whole 7 days the second time around - perhaps if I were bringing friends, a 4 day of exploring at a relaxing place would be great.  There are surprising amount of airlines flying here!
Thank you Krakow for being so accommodating. 
CHECK OUT MY YOUTUBE VIDEOS HERE: http://www.youtube.com/user/hawaiiinsomniac/videos Mahalo for reading. Until next time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey MAX !!

Reading your blogs with great interest, I'm living my own memories about the beautiful city & people of Krakow.
Now, if you come to Eindhoven, please take an extra pullover ... We have only 20° today .
However you will enjoy the region: Eindhoven being technology capital, my place as the green and rural alternative :-)

Enjoy - and feel free to come along !

Harry (Monulphus from CS)