Thursday, July 18, 2013

TravelTalk - Big Island - Day 3 and 4

Wow.  Day 3 and 4 really past by quickly.
On day 3 - we had a pamper day.  I mean, traveling is quite exhausting, so we just had to partake in a 1.5 hour massage and a pedicure (my first in ages... haha).  Besides relaxing, shopping at Costco, eating ice cream, cake, talking story, sharing laughs - is always part of the equation.
Day 4 was a bit more adventurous, which included a drive around the Big Island (thanks Julie), snacks along the way, lots of puppies, Thai Food and two main attractions: South Point (The Edge of the World) and Green Sand Beach.  I'm really glad I started incorporating videos because these pictures do not do any of these sights justice.
So make sure you watch the videos - I have them in 1080P (HD) as well and don't forget to click "Like" and SUBSCRIBE!
What is surprising about South Point is that no matter how many times I have jumped over the cliff - it really doesn't get any easier!  haha, maybe I'm getting a lot older - this site is a must see if you're heading to the Big Island, its one of favorite things to do on the island.
If you're a bit adventurous, take the 2.5 mile hike to green sand beach - you can also drive there, but you will need a 4 x 4 (like most awesome places on the big island).  I swear the walk seemed longer, but hey, no pain, no gain, right?!  Plus there are so many awesome sights along the way that you will just bypass if you were just sitting in a pick up truck.
Well, I hope you enjoy these videos and pics - going to enjoy my last day here on the Big Island!
I was asked earlier about my photos - all pics taken with HTC One X+ - without any modification, photoshopping, etc. haha, that takes too much time.
Mahalo for reading.
Until next time.





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