Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Monthly Challenge - August

Monthly challenge... what is really about?!

Just a quick recap.  I believe that there is always something about ourselves that we can work on... whether its physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and so forth... I think by creating a monthly challenge, it allows me to focus and conquer any fears, barriers that hopefully transition into a more permanent state.

This month, I am happy to say that I have given up smoking... Well at least completed my monthly challenge of not smoking... Some people have doubted me as I am an on and off smoker, and to be honest I don't consider myself having an addiction to smoking... if I want a cigarette, I will have one and not have one for months on end.  However, this past March when I visited France... when people say, "when in ____, do as the ___ do," and that is sort of what I did, I smoked cigarettes with the French people and it carried over to an association with relieving stress...

I am back on my physical training and I think that is one aspect that has helped me kick the smoking habit... I've only been home 10 days and I've ridden over 130 miles (with my longest ride this past Sunday at 41 miles)...

So yes... I have this month, monthly challenge was a complete success... No more smoking cigarettes...

To be honest, I don't think it was that hard - for me personally, I think having a stubborn, driven personality really helps!

My new monthly challenge will be announced tomorrow and I am truly excited about September's challenge!

Mahalo for reading.

Until next time.

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