Saturday, August 13, 2011

How was your trip?!

How was your trip!? - a question I like and dread at the same time.

Like - easy conversation starter, the person being asked has free range to talk about what they found to be exciting.  Great for weekend trips, when you can summarize the things you did.  Great for week trips, where you can highlight key points and omit those points where you weren't really doing anything or omit the stories the asking person wouldn't find interesting (like watching a DVD that you've seen a couple of times or playing that game on your phone or tablet which kept you up way too late)...

Dread - Reducing trips, countries and experiences to a few choice words...  This is somewhat troubling for me as I always think of the thing I really wanted to say after a conversation is over.  This questions leaves a lot of room for interpretation - someone can just be making polite small talk or REALLY wants to know about your trip!  Trying to gauge how much time a person has and filling that time without the stares of "I wish this person would STFU" or "OMG... I'm so bored" coming into fruition.

On this particular trip, I've sort of been gone for almost, well I will have been traveling for over 3 months.

Of course, I love to talk story and like most things depends on the person, the time, the place and the context of the conversation.  Most times, I take the less is more approach, I figured if a person is interested they'll find a way to continue communication (question... or uh huh) OR maybe a blunt - You've been gone for 3 months and that's all you have to say?! o_O

I will be writing reflective bits when I get home and post more pictures of each place.

So "How was your trip?"

Mahalo for reading.

Until next time.

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