Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Freeze Frame...

I was inspired by a recent tweet in my inbox, that triggered philosophical banter in my head.

I've never actually quoted a tweet before, so if you want to know who its from, just leave a comment below.

Freeze frame: If this is all that life had to offer, is it enough for U?

I interpret this question in 2 ways.

My first interpretation was, "If you're not satisfied with your life, what would you do to change it?"
and the second is if you were to die tomorrow, "Did you live your life?"

I've made many life changing choices in the past few years to better position myself to do the things I like to do as well as have the free time to enjoy life.  I've only taken positions within companies that allow me the opportunity to take time off to travel.  I've been very very blessed.  If I were to die tomorrow, I don't have any regrets, I've been super fortunate to have done more in my life than I ever thought possible.

So... If this is all that life had to offer, is it enough for U?

Go do something awesome!  Come and join me, when I get back to Hawaii I have Kite surfing lessons as well as paragliding lessons!'

Special shout to my sister!  Happy Birthday!

Mahalo for reading.

Until next time.

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