Sunday, August 21, 2011



It's an emotion that we rarely talk about... Crying... Is it even an emotion? Perhaps there are many connotations with crying... Most negative, some positive... Wen was the last time you made someone cry? when was the last time you were the cause of someone else crying?!?  I'm going to briefly talk about the latter question... 

As most of you know, I love to laugh... it's my cure for everything... Wanna know when you're a decent speaker in a other language - simple... If you make them laugh... The last time I was the cause of someone crying was about a week ago... On the 15th, I made Elena cry... 

Who exactly is this Elena?! Elena is the doña of the house.  I stayed with here for approximately 4 weeks in Guatemala... She made my breakfast, lunches and dinner... We spent most of dining times together at the kitchen table where we dined on her creations... From eggs and tomatoes, chocolate banana pancakes, frijoles, rice, chicken and so forth...  (not at one time) I know I eat a lot, but dang!! 

I never imagined Elena as the crying time, at the kitchen table, I seen her mock me, make fun of me (jokingly, of course), not to mention. Shoot tequila shots without flinching - sin salt and lime... You don't really become an older Guatemala doña by not being hard core - and Elena was one of those beings, awake at 4 am in the morning (yes, I woke up at 04:55 to head to the gym on certain days and she would already be up) , she did almost all of the cooking - I ordered pizza one day... She also cleaned the house and dealt with most of the other household chores.... 

Why did Elena cry?! I cant pin point exactly why, but it happened during our goodbye, I gave her a hug and thanked her for everything, for her hospitality, her funny and stern demeanor and the awesome food and company... I can still imagine here on the hallway waving goodbye.  Maybe it was the pointed jabs, maybe it was because I can make her laugh, maybe subconsciously I treated her like my own grandmother - since mines are no longer with us...  No matter the cause, I miss Elena as well as my maternal grandmother... Lola, thanks for loving me unconditionally and I just wanted to just write that I do think about you... 

This is dedicated to all of the hardcore grandmothers.


Mahalo for reading.

Until next time.

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