Friday, October 11, 2013

SpainTalk - Campanadas de Boda - 1st play in Spain

Considering that I've lived in Spain for a little over a year, its someone surprising that I've seen my first play this past weekend. 
I enjoy going to plays and to concerts, I remember my first play overseas Kiss in Porto, Portugal, I really didn't understand most of the dialogue, but you sort of get the idea of the bigger picture, and the same pretty much with this play "Campanadas de Boda".  I had a hard time understanding all of the jokes and nuances, but for the most part, I understand the play. 
This play is about a wedding between an Indian gentleman and a Spanish woman, which highlights many of the stereotypes of marriage and even perhaps Spanish culture.
One of the things I really enjoyed the most about the play is the interactive nature.  For example, they take pictures during the play and you can download them after the show - for free!
CLICK HERE to see some of the show pictures and to buy your tickets!


Mahalo for reading. Until next time.

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