Saturday, October 08, 2011

Monthly Challenge - 6 pack - Week 1

Wow... can't believe its been a week has past already!  Goes by Soo fast!

Where did this week go?!


My monthly challenge has been going great... 

I've completely cut off all of my former desserts and have switched to a lesser fat content based sweets... I am nom noming on Jello with whipped cream and of course rice krispies...

It is really easy to make and I think it taste way better than the ones you buy at the store premade.

If you need the recipe.. CLICK HERE 

Here is an updated torse picture with my abdominals...

I will be taking the picture Saturday morning after my breakfast shake.

Ok... so what have I been doing...

1) Focus on diet with lesser (bad) fats...

2) Increased workout with weights (to gain muscle and burn fat)

3) Target abdominal exercises to increase muscle in abdominal section...

Next week, I will include more into my exercise regime.

Mahalo for reading. 

Until next time.

1 comment:

sumrlagoom said...

so how'd th e6 pack challenge go?