Sunday, February 23, 2014

meh. when i get sick...

I've been sick for the past couple of days...

This is my 4th day without leaving the house.  I left the house on Thursday to pick up food essentials.  I am feeling a lot better.  No more fever, just stuffed up and lots of phlegm, green, yellow, clear. LOL

The weird thing is when I get sick, I'm probably the worst patient possible.  I don't care if I'm deathly ill (including a fever or whatever) I can still go grocery shopping, cook for myself, etc.  I don't want your pity - your pity or sympathy will not help me get any better.

HA HA - Someone understands me.
Not only that.... I eat WAYYYYY MORE when I am sick.  I am probably the only person who gains weight when he is sick.  I mean I remember Wednesday night, I wasn't feeling well, I had Thai curry, rice, chicken noodle soup, chicken nuggets, and potatoes for dinner... Yeah, I know right?!  Completely weird.

Besides sleeping a lot, reading a lot, I've recorded a couple of new videos on YouTube.  ha ha.  I had to shoot them a couple of times because I was hacking lung.

Anyways.  Other than that, I just found out that my thesis proposal has been rejected.
I was quite upset about that, but oh well, what can you do.  

I'm recording a new series of Top 5 (things I love about a particular technology)

 Mahalo for reading. Until next time.

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