Wednesday, January 23, 2013

VideoTalk - New Youtube favorite videos...

Since its 0230 in the morning and I won't be sleeping anytime soon I wanted to share some Youtube videos!

Alright, if you got 10 minutes to spare, I have 4 videos that I think you would enjoy - ranging from educational, funny, funny and funny.

First pick - my favorite car - Oskar.  Oskar is blind and though I'm allergic to cats - this is one kitty I would definitely want to hang around with.

CLICK HERE for earlier blog post of Oskar.

Yes, while Oskar is a cute cat - dogs are my favorite pets (next to snakes and spiders - of course).

Here is a super cute video of a DOG vs. an ORANGE.

Ok, enough about animals (for now).  This next video is super fun! Oh wow. I almost wish there was snow (ALMOST!)

Well, I want to throw a snowball at this girl on the youtube still to wipe the smirk off her face - TEE HEE.

Last video - This is about the debt ceiling.
While most people blame the president for the Debt ceiling and spending...

Well, I'll let the video speak for itself...

Hope you enjoyed!

Mahalo for reading. 

Until next time.

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