Sunday, July 20, 2014

Panic Attack...

Wow.  I don't get these panic attacks very often, but when they do, it really trips me up.

I have a very active imagination which sometimes gets the best of me when I feel like I'm completely overwhelmed.  Well, this week, I have cancelled 2 article assignments, and pairing down my responsibilities to the minimum.  Just going to relax and listen to my happy song - thanks for the idea +Putali Kandel 

Yeah, besides working in the morning and volunteering right after, coupled with writing, and having to move out of the apartment proved to be a little too much.

Well, after venting - I do feel a lot better, I decided to cancel some obligations to give myself more time to me and making sure I don't get all crazy during this time.

Ok, back to doing some work and planning my schedule for the week!

Night night.

 Mahalo for reading. Until next time.

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