Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Vote 2008

VOTE 2008

Whomever you choose to vote for this year, we can all agree that thank goodness that the election is here. The route to this election has been the most exciting and I've never seen so many people engaged in politics.

Make your vote count. I have.


Mahalo for reading.

Until next time.


Jamie said...

lol, i am still in shock that you are voting for mcbush :P

i heard there were 4 HOUR lineups for voting?!@#! is that true????

man that's got to put a damper on some people's voting...

Unknown said...

Yes, I voted for McCain. I don't think he's going to win unfortunately.

I waited 2 minutes to vote. Then again there aren't that many people here in Hawaii compared to other states.