Sunday, August 26, 2012

TechTalk - Phone and Texting Etiquette

Considering that I occasionally blog about technology, not to mention I am switching phones again (I think this makes 6-7 phones the past year), that technology rules every aspect of my life - the truth is it sort of does, except in one aspect - in person communication.

I realized this particular notion when spending time with an individual who was consistently on the phone - texting, surfing, etc.

I am not saying abandon your phone completely, but there are probably times you should use your phone in front of others and when you shouldn't.

When to use your phone:
-Waiting for another individual to arrive (so you know where to meet, etc.)
-When the other person is going to the bathroom
-Talking about technology and showing an application or phone feature
-Talking about an individual and they asked to see a recent photo
-When you're searching for directions

When not to use your phone:
-All other times.
-When having dinner or lunch

Maybe, I'm a bit old-fashioned when it comes to communication.  I have a few handful of friends around the world and when we finally have time to spend together - emails can wait (when does an email really need a response?), texts can wait (its probably not that serious), phone calls (sure if you have kids, etc., but 99% they're probably fine - you were raised without your parents having a cell phone - chances are they're ok).

What do you think? Am I getting old?! 

When do you think its acceptable to use your phone to text, email, talk on the phone?

Mahalo for reading.

Until next time.

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