Tuesday, April 23, 2013

ESLTalk - Podcast - My Favorite Podcast - This I believe...

I only listen to 1 podcast.

It's a podcast, about 8 minutes per week which features someone's point of view around the world.

It is really interesting to hear about other people's lives and how the structure of their thought process while different is based on their realities.

I still remember one of the first podcast episodes I heard about 4 years ago.

She was talking about snitching, the act of telling on people who had done bad things.  
Snitcher (a person who snitches) has a very negative connotation.

She then talks about her neighbors.
The husband would beat his wife repeatedly and none of the neighbors did anything - because no one wanted to be a snitch. 

One day, he went too far and killed his wife.

This person was really upset that all of the neighbors had the power to stop the fighting, by making a phone call to the police, or stopping by the house, but instead they did nothing.

She then has made it a life mission to snitch.  Any disturbances, she was the first one to call the cops.
Many people might call her many names besides "snitch" but since the incidence of her neighbor's death, she will no longer be responsible for any future deaths.

Are you a snitch?

CLICK HERE for this link.

Mahalo for reading. 

Until next time.

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