Monday, February 07, 2011

maui wowie

it is somewhat fitting that i am writing about this particular picture... i wrote on an earlier blog about destiny and one of my best friends lovella.

this particular picture was taken in maui of course... alright, from left to right francisco, chris, lovella and me.  lovella and francisco came to visit for a week in honolulu, we decided to go to maui for a weekend and visit my friend chris.

the week was crazy.  before heading to maui, there was an incidence with other friends from maui visiting honolulu and lots of tequila shots, patron to be exact.  needless to say i had 14 shots.  i puked outside the car while moving, outside of the car, in the trash outside the elevator, in the toilet, in the tub, and passed out in the bathroom floor, to wake up the next day wreaking of alcohol, to go to top of diamond head, then hanauma bay and nearly drown... lol then to catch our flight to maui. straight to iao valley, then upcountry where chris lived.

i miss maui a lot, i love sitting in the back of a pickup truck going through the windy roads to hana, as opposed to running it... lol like the hana relay...

that was such a short holiday, but sometimes the short holidays also can have a lot of memories as you try to cram every single event in such a short time.

i miss maui.  i miss chris.  i miss lovella.  i do miss francisco, but not his smelly feet (omg, they’re toxic).

Mahalo for reading.

Until next time.

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