Wednesday, September 11, 2013

TravelTalk - Summer 2013 Summary - Stats

I can't believe that my summer trip is over.
I am quite happy to be going back to Spain, but I am definitely going to miss my friends around the world and the new places and experiences I have been blessed to be a part of.
Number of flights taken - 16
Numbers of countries visited - 7
(Portugal, USA, Poland, Netherlands, Belgium, Croatia and Hungary)
Number of first time countries: 4
(Poland, Belgium, Croatia and Hungary)
Number of books read: 10
(I'll write a separate blog, with book recommendations)
Number of Couchsurfer hosts: 2 (Breda and Zagreb)
Number of different hostels: 9 
Number of nights in a hotel: 4 
Number of airbnb bookings: 2
Number of calories consumed: 1,000,000,000,000
I could write more statistics, but this trip, like most others are about the things that you cannot measure.  Running in a butterfly costume, seeing Hawaii from 30,000 feet in the air, having a laugh with your best friends over wine (and food), seeing your nephew for the first time, allowing yourself to experience the new world - without fear, making new friends along the way.
Thank you for taking this trip with me this past summer.
Now, look forward to getting to know more about Spain.

More pictures coming.
CHECK OUT MY YOUTUBE VIDEOS HERE: Mahalo for reading. Until next time.

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