Friday, August 16, 2013

TravelTalk - Travel demons

Most of the time traveling is great.  The experience of being somewhere new and amongst a whole new culture.
Sometimes though traveling for a while can get lonely and sometimes I tend to get cerebral.
There are times - where the answer to the question of traveling turns towards the bad side.
Sometimes, the answer is...
I am running from something - there are times where I think I travel as it is easier for me to be with strangers than with people I know.  I'm not sure why, maybe because I'm worries about being judged even among my friends.  Sometimes I think that I don't want to answer to my demons, so being on the move is having the ability not have to face those demons.
Sometimes, the answer is...
I am not worthy.  Who am I to get to experience these types of things?! What have I done that merits this ability to be... on the go, to be free... to not be scared.
Yes, this has come at an inopportune time, but like most things, hopefully, it will pass soon.
CHECK OUT MY YOUTUBE VIDEOS HERE: Mahalo for reading. Until next time.

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