While most people think I am outgoing, I have a very private side as well. In fact, I really enjoy my alone time - maybe too much. I just realized I haven't left the house since Thursday. Yes, I have not step foot outside of this apartment for over 3 days. Partly because I am sick, but I just wasn't in the mood to.
It was really nice to be with my thoughts, write some plans, think about what was important in my life, write in my diary, create another website, catch up on my TV shows (Once Upon a Time, Parks and Recreation, New Girl), watch reruns (Golden Girls, RuPaul's Drag Race, Top Chef) and discover new tv shows (Nashville). I also watched a couple of movies, Ruby Sparks (which I really enjoyed and I might write a review in another blog), Oblivion (meh), Jack Reacher (not too bad) and 13 Going on 30 (great 80s nostalgia movie). I also played some video games on Steam - I downloaded one my favorite games of all time Left 4 Dead 2, played Magic the Gathering 2013. It was great to not do anything productive. Since school starts tomorrow, I don't have any classes to study for, I didn't study any Spanish, I didn't prepare any lessons, I didn't do much (in the way of productivity).
What I should start doing is packing since I have less than a month in this apartment. I need to start sorting and planning, but I work better under pressure. Sometimes, it seems like I need 1000 things to do to accomplish anything, then I get all 1000 things done in a day.
Having a lazy weekend allowed me to catch up some of my best friends and family. I realize that my closest friends and I have very similar traits. One of those traits is the need to be around people, but not be around people. I feel perfectly comfortable sitting in silence next to people, I enjoy being an observer. One of those friends is Sarai, who I met in Hawaii about 8 years ago, I was hosting her and the next time we meet was last year in Florida and we've managed to keep in touch all that time. Perhaps its because we have the same birthday. I'm sort of babbling at this point, so hopefully this is making sense. We started talking about relationships and how dating is so hard. She called men, "peacocks" how they have to advertise and say everything that is great about them on the first date, then the rest of the time you're dating its a bit of a disappointment - a lack of allure, if you will. Who knows, its probably the Facebook generation and having 1,000 friends, or the advent of internet dating where you have to quantify yourself based on society's expectations. At this point, I'll probably remain single for the rest of my life, and I'm ok with that.
Well, its my last night of lollygagging, so I think its time for another episode of Golden Girls. Special shotout to A and E (BFFs who bought me all the seasons of Golden Girls on DVD). <3 nbsp="" p="" you.="">
Sarai and I. |
Mahalo for reading.
Until next time.3>