Saturday, February 02, 2013

TechTalk - Spain is getting RIPPED off.

Random thought of the day... I'm suppose to be writing a paper right now about agriculture pollution, but I can't focus, so I thought I'd write a quick blog... (since its on my to do list) and I haven't written anything really in the past week... or two... or maybe even three - sorry crazy busy right now!

Anywho - here's food for thought.  Why is technology so expensive here in Spain?  Wow.

Here's one example - no, I am not buying an iPhone 5 (but theoretically if someone was flying to New York and wanted to make money - they could buy one in New York and sell it here in Spain) or two or three or four or five...

An unlocked iPhone in the United States? $649.00 + taxes = $707.41 = €518.50.

An unlocked iPhone in Spain? €669 (including taxes)

€669 - €518.50 = €150.50

So... even if you bought an iPhone and sold it for €600 - you'd still make over €80 for each one.

DISCLAIMER: check out going market prices on, milanuncio, etc. to see how much you can sell an iPhone 5 for - also take into consideration eBay fees (if you're going to sell them online).

 Mahalo for reading. 

Until next time.


Departamento Inglés said...

It's tempting but I don't know if I'm gonna do it, maybe I'll buy one and I'll keep it for me or maybe not. Something I will probably buy is another Ipod classic 160 GB, my old one is full to bursting.I'll let you know. And let me know as well if you want something from NYC.

Unknown said...

I love my iPod classic. I only have the 80GB - love the battery life - days and days!