I have been debating for sometime now whether to upgrade to the new 3G iPhone. Hear me out.
I don't really care about the 3G. I have WiFi at home and at work. The GPS is a nice add-on, but hello, I live on an island. I pretty much know where I am going. All of the new additions will be included with the free upgrade (iPhone 2.0). The App Store (where you can download application straight to your iPhone, to include IM and games), the Scientific Calculator, the Microsoft Activesync will all be a free upgrade to the current iPhone. Not to mention the costs, the same plan I have now will cost me $15 more. My current plan of 450 minutes (which is way sufficient - thank you roll over minutes), 1500 SMS, and of course, free night and weekends and mobile to mobile phone calls) currently costs me $69.99 (plus taxes and blah blah), with the new iPhone plan, the same structure will cost me $84.99.
I've read 3 reviews (NY TIMES, WSJ, USA TODAY) and all of them pretty much say the same thing more or less, the call quality and the speakerphone is a HUGE improvement, to me though the biggest improvement will be the storage. There will be lots of applications available for downloads and I am not sure if 4GB will be enough. I currently have 180GB of data in iTunes, and my current iPhone doesn't allow me to carry movies around, though I do have many music videos (13), songs (428), photos (189), and still have 596MB available (a 20 minute video or another 100 songs). That is my major incentive for purchasing a new iPhone, not to mention I have already promised it to my sister. Eeps!
If I do upgrade, I will be reducing my texting plan from 1500 to 200. So yeah, if you send me a text, I will probably call you back or send you an email. I am sure with the new updates IM will be available and I do have Google Talk and AIM with my .mac account.
As many of you know, I have reduced the number of blogs I have sent out via email. I suggest uploading a live bookmark or a RSS feed. Here is my RSS Feed: http://hawaiiinsomniac.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
Mahalo for reading.
Until next time.
1 comment:
Hubby and I are both getting the new iphones tomorrow!!!! Yipee!
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